Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cmshadow::packet::AlignBytes< Arch >
 Cdmlc::array_view< ValueType >Read only data structure to reference continuous memory region of array. Provide unified view for vector, array and C style array. This data structure do not guarantee aliveness of referenced array
 Cdmlc::array_view< nnvm::IndexedGraph::NodeEntry >
 Cdmlc::array_view< uint32_t >
 Cmshadow::expr::BLASEngine< Device, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::BLASEngine< cpu, double >
 Cmshadow::expr::BLASEngine< cpu, float >
 Cmshadow::expr::BLASEngine< gpu, double >
 Cmshadow::expr::BLASEngine< gpu, float >
 Cmshadow::expr::BLASEngine< gpu, half::half_t >
 Cdmlc::InputSplit::BlobBlob of memory region
 Cmxnet::engine::CallbackOnCompleteOnComplete Callback to the engine, called by AsyncFn when action completes
 Cdmlc::ConcurrentBlockingQueue< T, type >Cocurrent blocking queue
 Cdmlc::ConfigClass for config parser
 Cmxnet::cpp::ContextContext interface
 Cmxnet::ContextContext information about the execution environment
 Cmshadow::cpuDevice name CPU
 Cmxnet::common::csr_idx_checkIndices should be non-negative, less than the number of columns and in ascending order per row
 Cmxnet::common::csr_indptr_checkIndPtr should be non-negative, in non-decreasing order, start with 0 and end with value equal with size of indices
 Cmxnet::common::cuda::CublasType< DType >Converts between C++ datatypes and enums/constants needed by cuBLAS
 Cmxnet::common::cuda::CublasType< double >
 Cmxnet::common::cuda::CublasType< float >
 Cmxnet::common::cuda::CublasType< int32_t >
 Cmxnet::common::cuda::CublasType< mshadow::half::half_t >
 Cmxnet::common::cuda::CublasType< uint8_t >
 Cmxnet::DataBatchDataBatch of NDArray, returned by Iterator
 Cmxnet::cpp::DataBatchDefault object for holding a mini-batch of data and related information
 Cmxnet::DataInstSingle data instance
 Cdmlc::DataIter< DType >Data iterator interface this is not a C++ style iterator, but nice for data pulling:) This interface is used to pull in the data The system can do some useful tricks for you like pre-fetching from disk and pre-computation
 Cdmlc::DataIter< RowBlock< IndexType, DType > >
 Cmshadow::DataType< DType >
 Cmshadow::DataType< bool >
 Cmshadow::DataType< double >
 Cmshadow::DataType< float >
 Cmshadow::DataType< half::half2_t >
 Cmshadow::DataType< half::half_t >
 Cmshadow::DataType< int32_t >
 Cmshadow::DataType< int64_t >
 Cmshadow::DataType< int8_t >
 Cmshadow::DataType< uint8_t >
 Cmshadow::op::divDivide operator
 Cmshadow::sv::divtoDivide to saver: /=
 CDLContextA Device context for Tensor and operator
 CDLDataTypeThe data type the tensor can hold
 CDLManagedTensorC Tensor object, manage memory of DLTensor. This data structure is intended to faciliate the borrowing of DLTensor by another framework. It is not meant to transfer the tensor. When the borrowing framework doesn't need the tensor, it should call the deleter to notify the host that the resource is no longer needed
 CDLTensorPlain C Tensor object, does not manage memory
 Cmshadow::expr::DotEngine< SV, Device, ddim, ldim, rdim, ltrans, rtrans, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::DotEngine< SV, xpu, 1, 1, 2, false, transpose_right, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::DotEngine< SV, xpu, 2, 1, 1, true, false, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::DotEngine< SV, xpu, 2, 2, 2, transpose_left, transpose_right, DType >
 Cmxnet::EngineDependency engine that schedules operations
 Cmxnet::op::EnvArgumentsEnvironment arguments that is used by the function. These can be things like scalar arguments when add a value with scalar
 Cmxnet::ExecutorExecutor of a computation graph. Executor can be created by Binding a symbol
 Cmxnet::cpp::ExecutorExecutor interface
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< SubType, DType, exp_type >Defines how expression exp can be evaluated and stored into dst
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< BinaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, DType, etype >, DType, etype >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< ComplexBinaryMapExp< calctype, OP, TA, TB, DType, etype >, DType, etype >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< ComplexUnitaryExp< calctype, OP, TA, DType, etype >, DType, etype >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< ConcatExp< LhsExp, RhsExp, Device, DType, srcdim, dimsrc_m_cat >, DType, type::kRValue >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< Container, DType, type::kRValue >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< DotExp< TA, TB, ltrans, rtrans, DType >, DType, type::kComplex >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< FlipExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim >, DType, type::kRValue >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< ImplicitGEMMExp< LhsExp, RhsExp, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< Broadcast1DExp< SrcExp, DType, dimdst, dimdst_m_cast >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< BroadcastScalarExp< SrcExp, DType, dimdst >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< BroadcastWithAxisExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc, dimdst >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< BroadcastWithMultiAxesExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< ChannelPoolingExp< Reducer, SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< ChannelUnpoolingExp< Reducer, SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< CroppingExp< SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< MirroringExp< SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< PackColToPatchXExp< SrcExp, DType, dstdim >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< PaddingExp< SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< PoolingExp< Reducer, SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< ReduceWithAxisExp< Reducer, SrcExp, DType, dimsrc, mask, dimdst >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< ReshapeExp< SrcExp, DType, dimdst, dimsrc >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< SubType, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< SwapAxisExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc, m_a1, a2 >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< TransposeExExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< UnpackPatchToColXExp< SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< UnPoolingExp< Reducer, SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< UpSamplingNearestExp< SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MaskExp< IndexExp, SrcExp, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MatChooseRowElementExp< SrcExp, IndexExp, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< MatFillRowElementExp< SrcExp, ValExp, IndexExp, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< OneHotEncodeExp< IndexExp, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< RangeExp< DType >, DType, type::kMapper >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< ReduceTo1DExp< SrcExp, DType, Reducer, m_dimkeep >, DType, type::kComplex >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< ScalarExp< DType >, DType, type::kMapper >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< SliceExExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim >, DType, type::kRValue >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< SliceExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim, dimsrc_m_slice >, DType, type::kRValue >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< TakeExp< IndexExp, SrcExp, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< TakeGradExp< IndexExp, SrcExp, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< Tensor< Device, 1, DType >, DType, type::kRValue >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< Tensor< Device, dimension, DType >, DType, type::kRValue >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< Tensor< mshadow::cpu, dimension, DType >, DType, type::kRValue >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< Tensor< mshadow::gpu, dimension, DType >, DType, type::kRValue >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< TernaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype >, DType, etype >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< TransposeExp< EType, DType >, DType, type::kChainer >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< TransposeIndicesExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc, etype >, DType, etype >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< TypecastExp< DstDType, SrcDType, EType, etype >, DstDType, etype >
 Cmshadow::expr::Exp< UnaryMapExp< OP, TA, DType, etype >, DType, etype >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpComplexEngine< SV, RV, E, DType >Some engine that evaluate complex expression
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpComplexEngine< SV, Tensor< Device, 1, DType >, ReduceTo1DExp< SrcExp, DType, Reducer, 1 >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpComplexEngine< SV, Tensor< Device, 1, DType >, ReduceTo1DExp< SrcExp, DType, Reducer, m_dimkeep >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpComplexEngine< SV, Tensor< Device, dim, DType >, DotExp< Tensor< Device, ldim, DType >, Tensor< Device, rdim, DType >, ltrans, rtrans, DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpEngine< SV, RV, DType >Engine that dispatches simple operations
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< E >Static type inference template, used to get the dimension of each expression, if ExpInfo<E>::kDim == -1, this means here are mismatch in expression if (ExpInfo<E>::kDevMask & cpu::kDevMask) != 0, this means this expression can be assigned to cpu
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< BinaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, DType, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< ComplexBinaryMapExp< calctype, OP, TA, TB, DType, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< ComplexUnitaryExp< calctype, OP, TA, DType, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< ConcatExp< LhsExp, RhsExp, Device, DType, srcdim, dimsrc_m_cat > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< FlipExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< ImplicitGEMMExp< LhsExp, RhsExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< MakeTensorExp< T, SrcExp, dim, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< MaskExp< IndexExp, SrcExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< MatChooseRowElementExp< SrcExp, IndexExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< MatFillRowElementExp< SrcExp, ValExp, IndexExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< OneHotEncodeExp< IndexExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< RangeExp< DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< ScalarExp< DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< SliceExExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< SliceExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim, dimsrc_m_slice > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< TakeExp< IndexExp, SrcExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< TakeGradExp< IndexExp, SrcExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< Tensor< Device, dim, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< TernaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< TransposeExp< E, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< TransposeIndicesExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< TypecastExp< DstDType, SrcDType, EType, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ExpInfo< UnaryMapExp< OP, TA, DType, etype > >
 Ctvm::runtime::extension_type_info< nnvm::compiler::AttrDict >
 Ctvm::runtime::extension_type_info< nnvm::Graph >
 Ctvm::runtime::extension_type_info< nnvm::Symbol >
 Cdmlc::io::FileInfoUse to store file information
 Cdmlc::io::FileSystemFile system system interface
 Cdmlc::FunctionRegEntryBase< EntryType, FunctionType >Common base class for function registry
 Cdmlc::FunctionRegEntryBase< DataIteratorReg, DataIteratorFactory >
 Cdmlc::FunctionRegEntryBase< NDArrayFunctionReg, NDArrayAPIFunction >
 Cdmlc::FunctionRegEntryBase< OperatorPropertyReg, OperatorPropertyFactory >
 Cdmlc::FunctionRegEntryBase< ParserFactoryReg< IndexType, DType >, Parser< IndexType, DType >::Factory >
 Cdmlc::FunctionRegEntryBase< PassFunctionReg, PassFunction >
 Cmshadow::gpuDevice name GPU
 Cmxnet::GPUAuxStreamHolds an auxiliary mshadow gpu stream that can be synced with a primary stream
 Cmxnet::op::GradFunctionArgumentSuper class of all gradient function argument
 Cnnvm::GraphSymbolic computation graph. This is the intermediate representation for optimization pass
 Cmxnet::Storage::HandleStorage handle
 Cdmlc::lua_stack::Handler< T >
 Cdmlc::serializer::Handler< T >Generic serialization handler
 Cdmlc::has_saveload< T >Whether a type have save/load function
 Cstd::hash< dmlc::optional< T > >Std hash function for optional
 Cstd::hash< mxnet::TShape >Hash function for TShape
 Cstd::hash< mxnet::Tuple< T > >Hash function for Tuple
 Cstd::hash< nnvm::TShape >Hash function for TShape
 Cstd::hash< nnvm::Tuple< T > >Hash function for Tuple
 Cmshadow::op::identityIdentity function that maps a real number to it self
 Cdmlc::IfThenElseType< cond, Then, Else >Template to select type based on condition For example, IfThenElseType<true, int, float>::Type will give int
 Cmxnet::ImperativeRuntime functions for NDArray
 Cmxnet::common::random::RandGenerator< cpu, DType >::Impl
 Cmxnet::common::random::RandGenerator< gpu, DType >::Impl
 Cmxnet::common::random::RandGenerator< gpu, double >::Impl
 Cnnvm::IndexedGraphAuxiliary data structure to index a graph. It maps Nodes in the graph to consecutive integers node_id. It also maps IndexedGraph::NodeEntry to consecutive integer entry_id. This allows storing properties of Node and NodeEntry into compact vector and quickly access them without resorting to hashmap
 Cdmlc::InputSplitInput split creates that allows reading of records from split of data, independent part that covers all the dataset
 Cmxnet::InspectorManagerThis singleton struct mediates individual TensorInspector objects so that we can control the global behavior from each of them
 Cdmlc::is_arithmetic< T >Whether a type is arithemetic type
 Cdmlc::is_floating_point< T >Whether a type is floating point type
 Cdmlc::is_integral< T >Whether a type is integer type
 Cdmlc::is_pod< T >Whether a type is pod type
 Cmshadow::utils::IStreamInterface of stream I/O, used to serialize data, mshadow does not restricted to only this interface in SaveBinary/LoadBinary mshadow accept all class that implements Read and Write
 Cdmlc::JSONObjectReadHelperHelper class to read JSON into a class or struct object
 Cdmlc::JSONReaderLightweight JSON Reader to read any STL compositions and structs. The user need to know the schema of the
 Cdmlc::JSONWriterLightweight json to write any STL compositions
 Cmxnet::KVStoreDistributed key-value store
 Cmshadow::LayoutType< layout >
 Cmshadow::LayoutType< kNCDHW >
 Cmshadow::LayoutType< kNCHW >
 Cmshadow::LayoutType< kNDHWC >
 Cmshadow::LayoutType< kNHWC >
 Cmxnet::common::LazyAllocArray< TElem >
 Cmxnet::cpp::LRSchedulerLr scheduler interface
 Cdmlc::LuaRefReference to lua object
 Cdmlc::LuaStateA Lua state
 Cdmlc::ManualEventSimple manual-reset event gate which remains open after signalled
 Cmshadow::MapExpCPUEngine< pass_check, Saver, R, dim, DType, E, etype >
 Cmshadow::MapExpCPUEngine< true, SV, Tensor< cpu, dim, DType >, dim, DType, E, etype >
 Cmshadow::red::maximumMaximum reducer
 Cdmlc::MemoryPool< size, align >A memory pool that allocate memory of fixed size and alignment
 Cmshadow::red::minimumMinimum reducer
 Cmshadow::op::minusMinus operator
 Cmshadow::sv::minustoMinus to saver: -=
 Cmkldnn_batch_normalization_desc_tA descriptor of a Batch Normalization operation
 Cmkldnn_convolution_desc_tA descriptor of a convolution operation
 Cmkldnn_eltwise_desc_tA descriptor of a element-wise operation
 Cmkldnn_engineAn opaque structure to describe an engine
 Cmkldnn_inner_product_desc_tA descriptor of an inner product operation
 Cmkldnn_lrn_desc_tA descriptor of a Local Response Normalization (LRN) operation
 Cmkldnn_memory_extra_desc_tDescription of extra information stored in memory
 Cmkldnn_pooling_desc_tA descriptor of a pooling operation
 Cmkldnn_post_opsAn opaque structure for a chain of post operations
 Cmkldnn_primitive_attrAn opaque structure for primitive descriptor attributes
 Cmkldnn_primitive_descAn opaque structure to describe a primitive descriptor
 Cmkldnn_primitive_desc_iteratorAn opaque structure to describe a primitive descriptor iterator
 Cmkldnn_rnn_desc_tA descriptor for an RNN operation
 Cmkldnn_rnn_packed_desc_tDescription of tensor of packed weights for rnn
 Cmkldnn_shuffle_desc_tA descriptor of a shuffle operation
 Cmkldnn_softmax_desc_tA descriptor of a Softmax operation
 Cmkldnn_version_tVersion type
 Cmkldnn_wino_desc_tDescription of tensor of weights for winograd 2x3 convolution
 Cmxnet::cpp::MonitorMonitor interface
 Cmshadow::op::mulMul operator
 Cmshadow::sv::multoMultiply to saver: *=
 Cmxnet::cpp::NDArrayNDArray interface
 Cmxnet::NDArrayNdarray interface
 Cmxnet::cpp::NDBlobStruct to store NDArrayHandle
 Cnnvm::IndexedGraph::NodeNode data structure in IndexedGraph
 Cnnvm::NodeNode represents an operation in a computation graph
 Cnnvm::NodeAttrsThe attributes of the current operation node. Usually are additional parameters like axis,
 Cnnvm::IndexedGraph::NodeEntryData in the graph
 Cnnvm::NodeEntryEntry that represents output data from a node
 Cnnvm::NodeEntryEqualThis lets you use a NodeEntry as a key in a unordered_map of the form unordered_map<NodeEntry, ValueType, NodeEntryHash, NodeEntryEqual>
 Cnnvm::NodeEntryHashThis lets you use a NodeEntry as a key in a unordered_map of the form unordered_map<NodeEntry, ValueType, NodeEntryHash, NodeEntryEqual>
 Cdmlc::nullopt_tDummy type for assign null to optional
 Cmxnet::common::ObjectPool< T >Object pool for fast allocation and deallocation
 Cmxnet::common::ObjectPoolAllocatable< T >Helper trait class for easy allocation and deallocation
 Cdmlc::OMPExceptionOMP Exception class catches, saves and rethrows exception from OMP blocks
 Cnnvm::OpOperator structure
 Cmxnet::OpContextAll the possible information needed by Operator.Forward and Backward This is the superset of RunContext. We use this data structure to bookkeep everything needed by Forward and Backward
 Cmxnet::cpp::OperatorOperator interface
 Cmxnet::OperatorOperator interface. Operator defines basic operation unit of optimized computation graph in mxnet. This interface relies on pre-allocated memory in TBlob, the caller need to set the memory region in TBlob correctly before calling Forward and Backward
 Cmxnet::OperatorPropertyOperatorProperty is a object that stores all information about Operator. It also contains method to generate context(device) specific operators
 Cnnvm::OpGroupAuxiliary data structure used to set attributes to a group of operators
 Cmxnet::cpp::OpMapOpMap instance holds a map of all the symbol creators so we can get symbol creators by name. This is used internally by Symbol and Operator
 Cnnvm::OpMap< ValueType >A map data structure that takes Op* as key and returns ValueType
 Cmxnet::OpStatePtrOperator state. This is a pointer type, its content is mutable even if OpStatePtr is const
 Cmxnet::cpp::OptimizerOptimizer interface
 Cdmlc::optional< T >C++17 compatible optional class
 Cdmlc::optional< int >
 Cmshadow::packet::Packet< DType, Arch >Generic packet type
 Cmshadow::packet::Packet< double, kSSE2 >Vector real type for float
 Cmshadow::packet::Packet< DType, kPlain >
 Cmshadow::packet::Packet< float, kSSE2 >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketAlignCheck< dim, E, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketAlignCheck< dim, BinaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, DType, etype >, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketAlignCheck< dim, ScalarExp< DType >, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketAlignCheck< dim, Tensor< cpu, dim, DType >, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketAlignCheck< dim, UnaryMapExp< OP, TA, DType, etype >, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketCheck< E, Arch >Static check packet enable
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketCheck< BinaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, DType, etype >, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketCheck< double, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketCheck< float, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketCheck< ScalarExp< DType >, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketCheck< Tensor< cpu, dim, DType >, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketCheck< UnaryMapExp< OP, TA, DType, etype >, Arch >
 Cmshadow::packet::PacketOp< OP, DType, Arch >Generic Packet operator
 Cmshadow::packet::PacketOp< op::div, DType, Arch >
 Cmshadow::packet::PacketOp< op::identity, DType, Arch >
 Cmshadow::packet::PacketOp< op::minus, DType, Arch >
 Cmshadow::packet::PacketOp< op::mul, DType, Arch >
 Cmshadow::packet::PacketOp< op::plus, DType, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketPlan< ExpType, DType, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketPlan< BinaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, DType, etype >, DType, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketPlan< ScalarExp< DType >, DType, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketPlan< TA, DType, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketPlan< TB, DType, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketPlan< Tensor< Device, dim, DType >, DType, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::PacketPlan< UnaryMapExp< OP, TA, DType, etype >, DType, Arch >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ExpType, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< BinaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, DType, etype >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< Broadcast1DExp< SrcExp, DType, dimdst, 1 >, DType >Execution plan of Broadcast1DExp
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< Broadcast1DExp< SrcExp, DType, dimdst, dimdst_m_cast >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< BroadcastScalarExp< SrcExp, DType, dimdst >, DType >Execution plan of Broadcast1DExp
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< BroadcastWithAxisExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc, dimdst >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< BroadcastWithMultiAxesExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ChannelPoolingExp< Reducer, SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ChannelUnpoolingExp< Reducer, SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ComplexBinaryMapExp< op::complex::kBinaryCC, OP, TA, TB, DType, etype >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ComplexBinaryMapExp< op::complex::kBinaryCR, OP, TA, TB, DType, etype >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ComplexBinaryMapExp< op::complex::kBinaryRC, OP, TA, TB, DType, etype >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ComplexUnitaryExp< op::complex::kUnitaryC2C, OP, TA, DType, etype >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ComplexUnitaryExp< op::complex::kUnitaryC2R, OP, TA, DType, etype >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ComplexUnitaryExp< op::complex::kUnitaryR2C, OP, TA, DType, etype >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ConcatExp< LhsExp, RhsExp, Device, DType, srcdim, 1 >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ConcatExp< LhsExp, RhsExp, Device, DType, srcdim, dimsrc_m_cat >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< CroppingExp< SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< EType, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< EType, SrcDType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< FlipExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ImplicitGEMMExp< LhsExp, RhsExp, DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< IndexExp, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< LhsExp, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< MakeTensorExp< SubType, SrcExp, dim, DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< MaskExp< IndexExp, SrcExp, DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< MatChooseRowElementExp< SrcExp, IndexExp, DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< MatFillRowElementExp< SrcExp, ValExp, IndexExp, DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< MirroringExp< SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< OneHotEncodeExp< IndexExp, DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< PackColToPatchXExp< SrcExp, DType, dstdim >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< PaddingExp< SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< PoolingExp< Reducer, SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< RangeExp< DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ReduceWithAxisExp< Reducer, SrcExp, DType, dimsrc, mask, dimdst >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ReshapeExp< SrcExp, DType, dimdst, 1 >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ReshapeExp< SrcExp, DType, dimdst, dimsrc >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< RhsExp, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ScalarExp< DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< SliceExExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< SliceExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim, 1 >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< SliceExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim, dimsrc_m_slice >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< SrcExp, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< SubType, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< SwapAxisExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc, 1, a2 >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< SwapAxisExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc, m_a1, a2 >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< TA, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< TakeExp< IndexExp, SrcExp, DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< TakeGradExp< IndexExp, SrcExp, DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< TB, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< TC, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< Tensor< Device, 1, DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< Tensor< Device, dim, DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< TernaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< TransposeExExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< TransposeExp< EType, DType >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< TransposeIndicesExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc, etype >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< TypecastExp< DstDType, SrcDType, EType, etype >, DstDType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< UnaryMapExp< OP, TA, DType, etype >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< UnpackPatchToColXExp< SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< UnPoolingExp< Reducer, SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< UpSamplingNearestExp< SrcExp, DType, srcdim >, DType >
 Cmshadow::expr::Plan< ValExp, DType >
 Cmshadow::op::plusPlus operator
 Cmshadow::sv::plustoSave to saver: +=
 Cdmlc::ThreadedIter< DType >::ProducerProducer class interface that threaditer used as source to preduce the content
 Cmxnet::common::random::RandGenerator< Device, MSHADOW_DEFAULT_DTYPE >
 Cmxnet::common::random::RandGenerator< cpu, DType >
 Cmxnet::common::random::RandGenerator< gpu, double >
 Cmxnet::common::random::RandGenerator< gpu, DType >
 Cmxnet::common::random::RandGenerator< mshadow::gpu, double >
 Cmxnet::common::random::RandGenerator< mshadow::gpu, DType >
 Cmshadow::Random< Device, MSHADOW_DEFAULT_DTYPE >Random number generator
 Cmshadow::Random< cpu, DType >CPU random number generator
 Cmshadow::Random< gpu, DType >GPU random number generator
 Cdmlc::RecordIOChunkReaderReader of binary recordio from Blob returned by InputSplit This class divides the blob into several independent parts specified by caller, and read from one segment. The part reading can be used together with InputSplit::NextChunk for multi-threaded parsing(each thread take a RecordIOChunkReader)
 Cdmlc::RecordIOReaderReader of binary recordio to reads in record from stream
 Cdmlc::RecordIOWriterWriter of binary recordio binary format for recordio recordio format: magic lrecord data pad
 Cdmlc::Registry< EntryType >Registry class. Registry can be used to register global singletons. The most commonly use case are factory functions
 Cmxnet::ResourceResources used by mxnet operations. A resource is something special other than NDArray, but will still participate
 Cmxnet::ResourceManagerGlobal resource manager
 Cmxnet::ResourceRequestThe resources that can be requested by Operator
 Cmshadow::op::rightGet rhs
 Cdmlc::Row< IndexType, DType >One row of training instance
 Cdmlc::RowBlock< IndexType, DType >Block of data, containing several rows in sparse matrix This is useful for (streaming-sxtyle) algorithms that scans through rows of data examples include: SGD, GD, L-BFGS, kmeans
 Cmxnet::common::rsp_idx_checkIndices of RSPNDArray should be non-negative, less than the size of first dimension and in ascending order
 Cmxnet::RunContextExecution time context. The information needed in runtime for actual execution
 Cmshadow::packet::Saver< SV, TFloat, Arch >
 Cmshadow::packet::Saver< sv::saveto, TFloat, Arch >
 Cmshadow::sv::savetoSave to saver: =
 Cdmlc::ScopedThreadWrapper class to manage std::thread; uses RAII pattern to automatically join std::thread upon destruction
 Cdmlc::SerializableInterface for serializable objects
 Cmxnet::cpp::ShapeDynamic shape class that can hold shape of arbirary dimension
 Cmshadow::Shape< dimension >Shape of a tensor
 Cmshadow::Shape< 1 >
 Cmshadow::Shape< 2 >
 Cmshadow::Shape< 4 >
 Cmshadow::Shape< dim >
 Cmshadow::Shape< dimsrc >
 Cmshadow::Shape< srcdim >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, E >Runtime shape checking template get the shape of an expression, report error if shape mismatch
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, BinaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, DType, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, ComplexBinaryMapExp< calctype, OP, TA, TB, DType, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, ComplexUnitaryExp< calctype, OP, TA, DType, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, ImplicitGEMMExp< LhsExp, RhsExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, MakeTensorExp< T, SrcExp, dim, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, MaskExp< IndexExp, SrcExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, MatChooseRowElementExp< SrcExp, IndexExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, MatFillRowElementExp< SrcExp, ValExp, IndexExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, OneHotEncodeExp< IndexExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, RangeExp< DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, ScalarExp< DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, TakeExp< IndexExp, SrcExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, TakeGradExp< IndexExp, SrcExp, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, Tensor< Device, dim, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, TernaryMapExp< OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, TransposeExp< E, DType > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, TransposeIndicesExp< SrcExp, DType, dimsrc, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, TypecastExp< DstDType, SrcDType, EType, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< dim, UnaryMapExp< OP, TA, DType, etype > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< srcdim, ConcatExp< LhsExp, RhsExp, Device, DType, srcdim, dimsrc_m_cat > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< srcdim, FlipExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< srcdim, SliceExExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim > >
 Cmshadow::expr::ShapeCheck< srcdim, SliceExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim, dimsrc_m_slice > >
 Cmxnet::op::SimpleOpRegEntryRegistry entry to register simple operators via functions
 Cmxnet::op::SimpleOpRegistryRegistry for TBlob functions
 Cdmlc::SpinlockSimple userspace spinlock implementation
 Cmxnet::common::StaticArray< T, num >Static array. This code is borrowed from struct Shape<ndim>, except that users can specify the type of the elements of the statically allocated array. The object instance of the struct is copyable between CPU and GPU
 Cmxnet::StorageStorage manager across multiple devices
 Cdmlc::Str2T< T >Interface class that defines a single method get() to convert a string into type T. Define template specialization of this class to define the conversion method for a particular type
 Cdmlc::Str2T< double >Template specialization of Str2T<> interface for double type
 Cdmlc::Str2T< float >Template specialization of Str2T<> interface for float type
 Cdmlc::Str2T< int32_t >Template specialization of Str2T<> interface for signed 32-bit integer
 Cdmlc::Str2T< int64_t >Template specialization of Str2T<> interface for signed 64-bit integer
 Cdmlc::Str2T< uint32_t >Template specialization of Str2T<> interface for unsigned 32-bit integer
 Cdmlc::Str2T< uint64_t >Template specialization of Str2T<> interface for unsigned 64-bit integer
 Cmshadow::Stream< Device >Computaion stream structure, used for asynchronous computations
 Cdmlc::StreamInterface of stream I/O for serialization
 Cmshadow::Stream< gpu >
 Cmshadow::Stream< mshadow::cpu >
 Cmshadow::Stream< mshadow::gpu >
 Cmshadow::expr::StreamInfo< Device, E >
 Cmshadow::expr::StreamInfo< Device, ConcatExp< LhsExp, RhsExp, Device, DType, srcdim, dimsrc_m_cat > >
 Cmshadow::expr::StreamInfo< Device, FlipExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim > >
 Cmshadow::expr::StreamInfo< Device, SliceExExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim > >
 Cmshadow::expr::StreamInfo< Device, SliceExp< SrcExp, Device, DType, srcdim, dimsrc_m_slice > >
 Cmshadow::expr::StreamInfo< Device, Tensor< Device, dim, DType > >
 Cmshadow::red::sumSum reducer
 Cmxnet::cpp::SymBlobStruct to store SymbolHandle
 Cmxnet::cpp::SymbolSymbol interface
 Cnnvm::SymbolSymbol is help class used to represent the operator node in Graph
 Cmxnet::SyncedGPUAuxStreamProvides automatic coordination of an auxilary stream with a primary one. This object, upon construction, prepares an aux stream for use by syncing it with enqueued primary-stream work. Object destruction will sync again so future primary-stream work will wait on enqueued aux-stream work. If MXNET_GPU_WORKER_NSTREAMS == 1, then this defaults simply: the primary stream will equal the aux stream and the syncs will be executed as nops. See ./src/operator/cudnn/cudnn_convolution-inl.h for a usage example
 Cmxnet::TBlobTensor blob class that can be used to hold tensor of any dimension, any device and any data type, This is a weak type that can be used to transfer data through interface TBlob itself doesn't involve any arithmetic operations, but it can be converted to tensor of fixed dimension for further operations
 Cdmlc::TemporaryDirectoryManager class for temporary directories. Whenever a new TemporaryDirectory object is constructed, a temporary directory is created. The directory is deleted when the object is deleted or goes out of scope. Note: no symbolic links are allowed inside the temporary directory
 Cmxnet::TensorInspectorThis class provides a unified interface to inspect the value of all data types including Tensor, TBlob, and NDArray. If the tensor resides on GPU, then it will be copied from GPU memory back to CPU memory to be operated on. Internally, all data types are stored as a TBlob object tb_
 Cdmlc::ThreadGroup::ThreadLifecycle-managed thread (used by ThreadGroup)
 Cdmlc::ThreadGroupThread lifecycle management group
 Cdmlc::ThreadlocalAllocator< T >A thread local allocator that get memory from a threadlocal memory pool. This is suitable to allocate objects that do not cross thread
 Cdmlc::ThreadlocalSharedPtr< T >Shared pointer like type that allocate object from a threadlocal object pool. This object is not thread-safe but can be faster than shared_ptr in certain usecases
 Cdmlc::ThreadLocalStore< T >A threadlocal store to store threadlocal variables. Will return a thread local singleton of type T
 Cnnvm::Tuple< ValueType >A dynamic sized array data structure that is optimized for storing small number of elements with same type
 Cmxnet::Tuple< ValueType >A dynamic sized array data structure that is optimized for storing small number of elements with same type
 Cnnvm::Tuple< dim_t >
 Cmxnet::Tuple< dim_t >
 Cnnvm::Tuple< float >
 Cnnvm::Tuple< int >
 Cnnvm::Tuple< int64_t >
 Cnnvm::Tuple< nnvm::Tuple< int > >
 Cdmlc::type_name_helper< T >Helper class to construct a string that represents type name
 Cdmlc::type_name_helper< mxnet::Tuple< T > >
 Cdmlc::type_name_helper< nnvm::Tuple< T > >
 Cmshadow::expr::TypeCheck< Device, dim, DType, E >Template to do type check
 Cmshadow::expr::TypeCheckPass< kPass >Used to help static type check
 Cmshadow::expr::TypeCheckPass< false >
 Cmshadow::expr::TypeCheckPass< true >
 Cmxnet::common::helper::UniqueIf< T >Helper for non-array type T
 Cmxnet::common::helper::UniqueIf< T[]>Helper for an array of unknown bound T
 Cmxnet::common::helper::UniqueIf< T[kSize]>Helper for an array of known bound T
 Cdmlc::io::URICommon data structure for URI
 Cmxnet::engine::VarBase class of engine variables