Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
mxnet::common Namespace Reference


 common utils for cuda
 Helper functions.


struct  csr_idx_check
 Indices should be non-negative, less than the number of columns and in ascending order per row. More...
struct  csr_indptr_check
 IndPtr should be non-negative, in non-decreasing order, start with 0 and end with value equal with size of indices. More...
class  LazyAllocArray
struct  MShadowTypeInfo
class  ObjectPool
 Object pool for fast allocation and deallocation. More...
struct  ObjectPoolAllocatable
 Helper trait class for easy allocation and deallocation. More...
struct  rsp_idx_check
 Indices of RSPNDArray should be non-negative, less than the size of first dimension and in ascending order. More...
struct  StaticArray
 Static array. This code is borrowed from struct Shape<ndim>, except that users can specify the type of the elements of the statically allocated array. The object instance of the struct is copyable between CPU and GPU. More...


typedef std::mt19937 RANDOM_ENGINE
 Random Engine. More...


bool SetupDefaultBlobsIn (const std::vector< NDArray > &src, const std::vector< NDArray > *bufs, std::vector< TBlob > *blobs, std::vector< NDArray > *temp_src, std::vector< NDArray > *temp_dst, std::unordered_map< uint32_t, uint32_t > *idx_map)
bool SetupDefaultBlobsOut (const std::vector< NDArray > &src, const std::vector< NDArray > *bufs, std::vector< OpReqType > *req, std::vector< TBlob > *blobs, std::vector< NDArray > *temp_src, std::vector< NDArray > *temp_dst)
void SetupDefaultBlobsInOut (const std::vector< NDArray > &ndinputs, const std::vector< NDArray > &ndoutputs, const std::vector< NDArray > *in_bufs, const std::vector< NDArray > *out_bufs, std::vector< OpReqType > *req, std::vector< TBlob > *input_blobs, std::vector< TBlob > *output_blobs, std::vector< NDArray > *pre_temp_src, std::vector< NDArray > *pre_temp_dst, std::vector< NDArray > *post_temp_src, std::vector< NDArray > *post_temp_dst, std::unordered_map< uint32_t, uint32_t > *in_temp_idx_map, const std::vector< uint32_t > &mutate_idx)
void CastNonDefaultStorage (const std::vector< NDArray > &src, const std::vector< NDArray > &dst, const OpContext &ctx, const bool is_gpu)
bool SameType (const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, std::vector< int > *iattr, std::vector< int > *oattr)
 The default type inference function, which assigns all undefined types to the same type of one of the inputs or outputs. More...
bool DefaultStorageType (const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const int dev_mask, DispatchMode *dispatch_mode, std::vector< int > *iattr, std::vector< int > *oattr)
 The default storage type inference function, which assigns all undefined storage types to kDefaultStorage. If all of input and output storage types are kDefaultStorage, DispatchMode::kFCompute is assigned to dispatch_mode. Otherwise, DispatchMode::kFComputeFallback is assigned to dispatch_mode. More...
std::string storage_str (int storage_id)
void LogMemoryPlan (const nnvm::Graph &g)
void LogInferStorage (const nnvm::Graph &g)
NDArray ReshapeOrCreate (const std::string &name, const mxnet::TShape &dest_arg_shape, const int dest_arg_dtype, const NDArrayStorageType dest_arg_stype, const Context &ctx, std::unordered_map< std::string, NDArray > *shared_buffer, bool enable_row_sparse_sharing)
 If the requested ndarray's shape size is less than the corresponding shared_data_array's shape size and the storage type is shareable, reuse the memory allocation in shared_buffer; otherwise, create a zero ndarray. Shareable storages include both default storage and row_sparse storage if enable_row_sparse_sharing is True, otherwise default storage only. More...
nnvm::Graph AssignContext (nnvm::Graph g, const Context &default_ctx, const std::map< std::string, Context > &ctx_map, const std::vector< Context > &in_arg_ctxes, const std::vector< Context > &arg_grad_ctxes, const std::vector< Context > &aux_state_ctxes, const std::vector< OpReqType > &grad_req_types, size_t num_forward_inputs, size_t num_forward_outputs)
 Assign context to the graph. This is triggered by both simple_bind and bind flows. More...
void CopyGraph (nnvm::Graph *dst, const nnvm::Graph &src, bool copy_variables)
 Copy the graph, optionally leaving original Variable nodes. More...
bool CheckForInputNameDuplicates (const nnvm::IndexedGraph &idx)
 Check whether graph contains any duplicated names in its inputs. More...
size_t current_process_id ()
template<typename xpu >
void CheckFormatWrapper (const RunContext &rctx, const NDArray &input, const TBlob &err_cpu, const bool full_check)
template<typename xpu >
void CheckFormatCSRImpl (const RunContext &rctx, const NDArray &input, const TBlob &err_cpu, const bool full_check)
 Check the validity of CSRNDArray. More...
template<typename xpu >
void CheckFormatRSPImpl (const RunContext &rctx, const NDArray &input, const TBlob &err_cpu, const bool full_check)
 Check the validity of RowSparseNDArray. More...
template<typename xpu >
void CheckFormatImpl (const RunContext &rctx, const NDArray &input, const TBlob &err_cpu, const bool full_check)
template<typename xpu >
void SparseRetainOpForwardRspWrapper (mshadow::Stream< xpu > *s, const NDArray &input_nd, const TBlob &idx_data, const OpReqType req, NDArray *output_nd)
 Pick rows specified by user input index array from a row sparse ndarray and save them in the output sparse ndarray. More...
template<typename xpu >
void CastStorageDispatch (const OpContext &ctx, const NDArray &input, const NDArray &output)
bool ContainsOnlyStorage (const StorageTypeVector &vstorage, const NDArrayStorageType stype)
 returns true if all storage types in vstorage are the same as target stype. false is returned for empty inputs. More...
bool ContainsOnlyStorage (const StorageTypeVector &vstorage, const NDArrayStorageType stype1, const NDArrayStorageType stype2, bool *has_both)
 returns true if all storage types in vstorage are the same as target stype1 or ‘stype2’. Sets boolean if both found. false is returned for empty inputs. More...
bool ContainsOnlyStorage (const std::vector< NDArray > &ndarrays, const NDArrayStorageType stype)
 returns true if the storage types of arrays in ndarrays are the same as target stype. false is returned for empty inputs. More...
bool ContainsOnlyStorage (const std::vector< NDArray > &ndarrays, const NDArrayStorageType stype1, const NDArrayStorageType stype2, bool *has_both)
 returns true if the storage types of arrays in ndarrays are the same as targets stype1 or stype2. false is returned for empty inputs. More...
bool ContainsStorageType (const std::vector< NDArray > &ndarrays, const NDArrayStorageType stype)
 returns true if storage type of any array in ndarrays is the same as the target stype. false is returned for empty inputs. More...
bool ContainsStorageType (const std::vector< int > &ndstypes, const NDArrayStorageType stype)
 returns true if any storage type ndstype in ndstypes is the same as the target stype. false is returned for empty inputs. More...
std::string dispatch_mode_string (const DispatchMode x)
 get string representation of dispatch_mode More...
std::string stype_string (const int x)
 get string representation of storage_type More...
std::string dev_type_string (const int dev_type)
 get string representation of device type More...
std::string attr_value_string (const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const std::string &attr_name, std::string default_val="")
template<typename Fn >
void attr_foreach (const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const std::string &attr_name, const Fn &fn)
 Seeks an attribute in a node and its subgraphs and invokes a function on each. More...
template<typename ValueType >
ValueType flag_attr_accumulate (const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const std::string &attr_name)
std::string operator_stype_string (const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const int dev_mask, const std::vector< int > &in_attrs, const std::vector< int > &out_attrs)
 get string representation of the operator stypes More...
std::string operator_string (const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const OpContext &ctx, const std::vector< NDArray > &inputs, const std::vector< OpReqType > &req, const std::vector< NDArray > &outputs)
 get string representation of the operator More...
void LogOnce (const std::string &message)
 log message once. Intended for storage fallback warning messages. More...
void LogStorageFallback (const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const int dev_mask, const std::vector< int > *in_attrs, const std::vector< int > *out_attrs)
 log storage fallback event More...
int GetNumThreadsPerGPU ()
int GetExecNumMatchColor ()
template<typename T , typename V >
ParallelAccumulate (const T *a, const int n, V start)
template<typename RandomIt , typename Compare >
void ParallelSortHelper (RandomIt first, size_t len, size_t grainsize, const Compare &comp)
 Helper function for ParallelSort. DO NOT call this function directly. Use the interface ParallelSort instead. Ref: More...
template<typename RandomIt , typename Compare >
void ParallelSort (RandomIt first, RandomIt last, size_t num_threads, Compare comp)
 Sort the elements in the range [first, last) into the ascending order defined by the comparator comp. If the length of the range [first, last) is greater than a certain threshold, the range will be recursively divided into two and assign two threads to sort each half range. Ref: More...
template<typename RandomIt >
void ParallelSort (RandomIt first, RandomIt last, size_t num_threads)
 Sort the elements in the range [first, last) into ascending order. The elements are compared using the default < operator. If the length of the range [first, last) is greater than a certain threshold, the range will be recursively divided into two and assign two threads to sort each half range. Ref: More...
template<class T , class... Args>
helper::UniqueIf< T >::SingleObject MakeUnique (Args &&... args)
 Constructs an object of type T and wraps it in a std::unique_ptr. More...
template<class T >
helper::UniqueIf< T >::UnknownBound MakeUnique (size_t n)
 Constructs an object of type T and wraps it in a std::unique_ptr. More...
template<class T , class... Args>
helper::UniqueIf< T >::KnownBound MakeUnique (Args &&... args)=delete
 Constructs an object of type T and wraps it in a std::unique_ptr. More...
template<typename FCompType >
FCompType GetFCompute (const nnvm::Op *op, const std::string &name, const Context &ctx)
template<typename T >
constexpr size_t MaxIntegerValue ()
 Return the max integer value representable in the type T without loss of precision. More...
constexpr size_t MaxIntegerValue< mshadow::half::half_t > ()
constexpr size_t MaxIntegerValue< mshadow::bfloat::bf16_t > ()
MSHADOW_XINLINE int ilog2ul (size_t a)
MSHADOW_XINLINE int ilog2ui (unsigned int a)
NDArray InitZeros (const NDArrayStorageType stype, const mxnet::TShape &shape, const Context &ctx, const int dtype)
 Return an NDArray of all zeros. More...
void EmplaceBackZeros (const NDArrayStorageType stype, const mxnet::TShape &shape, const Context &ctx, const int dtype, std::vector< NDArray > *vec)
 Helper to add a NDArray of zeros to a std::vector. More...
template<typename DType >
void ParallelCopy (DType *dst, const DType *src, index_t size)
 parallelize copy by OpenMP. More...
template<typename DType >
void ParallelAdd (DType *dst, const DType *src, index_t size)
void ConvertToNumpyShape (mxnet::TShape *shape)
 If numpy compatibility is turned off (default), the shapes passed in by users follow the legacy shape definition: More...
void ConvertToNumpyShape (mxnet::ShapeVector *shapes)
void ConvertToLegacyShape (mxnet::TShape *shape)
 This is function is used to convert shapes returned by the infer shape functions/pass to the legacy shape definition. More...
void ConvertToLegacyShape (mxnet::ShapeVector *shapes)
void ExecuteMonInputCallback (const nnvm::IndexedGraph &idx, const std::vector< NDArray * > &state_arrays, size_t nid, const std::function< void(const char *, const char *, void *)> &monitor_callback)
void ExecuteMonOutputCallback (const nnvm::IndexedGraph &idx, const std::vector< NDArray * > &state_arrays, size_t nid, const std::function< void(const char *, const char *, void *)> &monitor_callback)
mxnet::TShape CanonicalizeAxes (const mxnet::TShape &src)
bool is_float (const int dtype)
bool is_int (const int dtype)
bool is_signed_int (const int dtype)
bool is_unsigned_int (const int dtype)
int type_promotion (const int type1, const int type2)
const std::string NodeAttrsGetProfilerScope (const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs)
int GetDefaultDtype ()
int GetDefaultDtype (int dtype)
MShadowTypeInfo mshadow_type_info (const int type_flag)
bool AlignedMemAlloc (void **ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment)
void AlignedMemFree (void *ptr)
index_t div_round (const index_t a, const index_t b)
bool IsPower2 (size_t N)
size_t RoundToPower2 (size_t N)

Typedef Documentation


typedef std::mt19937 mxnet::common::RANDOM_ENGINE

Random Engine.

Function Documentation

◆ AlignedMemAlloc()

bool mxnet::common::AlignedMemAlloc ( void **  ptr,
size_t  size,
size_t  alignment 

◆ AlignedMemFree()

void mxnet::common::AlignedMemFree ( void *  ptr)

◆ AssignContext()

nnvm::Graph mxnet::common::AssignContext ( nnvm::Graph  g,
const Context default_ctx,
const std::map< std::string, Context > &  ctx_map,
const std::vector< Context > &  in_arg_ctxes,
const std::vector< Context > &  arg_grad_ctxes,
const std::vector< Context > &  aux_state_ctxes,
const std::vector< OpReqType > &  grad_req_types,
size_t  num_forward_inputs,
size_t  num_forward_outputs 

Assign context to the graph. This is triggered by both simple_bind and bind flows.

◆ attr_foreach()

template<typename Fn >
void mxnet::common::attr_foreach ( const nnvm::NodeAttrs attrs,
const std::string &  attr_name,
const Fn &  fn 

Seeks an attribute in a node and its subgraphs and invokes a function on each.

◆ attr_value_string()

std::string mxnet::common::attr_value_string ( const nnvm::NodeAttrs attrs,
const std::string &  attr_name,
std::string  default_val = "" 

◆ CanonicalizeAxes()

mxnet::TShape mxnet::common::CanonicalizeAxes ( const mxnet::TShape src)

◆ CastNonDefaultStorage()

void mxnet::common::CastNonDefaultStorage ( const std::vector< NDArray > &  src,
const std::vector< NDArray > &  dst,
const OpContext ctx,
const bool  is_gpu 

◆ CastStorageDispatch()

template<typename xpu >
void mxnet::common::CastStorageDispatch ( const OpContext ctx,
const NDArray input,
const NDArray output 

◆ CheckForInputNameDuplicates()

bool mxnet::common::CheckForInputNameDuplicates ( const nnvm::IndexedGraph idx)

Check whether graph contains any duplicated names in its inputs.

idxIndexed graph being checked
true if there are no duplicates, false otherwise

◆ CheckFormatCSRImpl()

template<typename xpu >
void mxnet::common::CheckFormatCSRImpl ( const RunContext rctx,
const NDArray input,
const TBlob err_cpu,
const bool  full_check 

Check the validity of CSRNDArray.

rctxExecution context.
inputInput NDArray of CSRStorage.
err_cpuError number on cpu.
full_checkIf true, rigorous check, O(N) operations, otherwise basic check, O(1) operations.

◆ CheckFormatImpl()

template<typename xpu >
void mxnet::common::CheckFormatImpl ( const RunContext rctx,
const NDArray input,
const TBlob err_cpu,
const bool  full_check 

◆ CheckFormatRSPImpl()

template<typename xpu >
void mxnet::common::CheckFormatRSPImpl ( const RunContext rctx,
const NDArray input,
const TBlob err_cpu,
const bool  full_check 

Check the validity of RowSparseNDArray.

rctxExecution context.
inputInput NDArray of RowSparseStorage.
err_cpuError number on cpu.
full_checkIf true, rigorous check, O(N) operations, otherwise basic check, O(1) operations.

◆ CheckFormatWrapper()

template<typename xpu >
void mxnet::common::CheckFormatWrapper ( const RunContext rctx,
const NDArray input,
const TBlob err_cpu,
const bool  full_check 

◆ ContainsOnlyStorage() [1/4]

bool mxnet::common::ContainsOnlyStorage ( const std::vector< NDArray > &  ndarrays,
const NDArrayStorageType  stype 

returns true if the storage types of arrays in ndarrays are the same as target stype. false is returned for empty inputs.

◆ ContainsOnlyStorage() [2/4]

bool mxnet::common::ContainsOnlyStorage ( const std::vector< NDArray > &  ndarrays,
const NDArrayStorageType  stype1,
const NDArrayStorageType  stype2,
bool *  has_both 

returns true if the storage types of arrays in ndarrays are the same as targets stype1 or stype2. false is returned for empty inputs.

◆ ContainsOnlyStorage() [3/4]

bool mxnet::common::ContainsOnlyStorage ( const StorageTypeVector vstorage,
const NDArrayStorageType  stype 

returns true if all storage types in vstorage are the same as target stype. false is returned for empty inputs.

◆ ContainsOnlyStorage() [4/4]

bool mxnet::common::ContainsOnlyStorage ( const StorageTypeVector vstorage,
const NDArrayStorageType  stype1,
const NDArrayStorageType  stype2,
bool *  has_both 

returns true if all storage types in vstorage are the same as target stype1 or ‘stype2’. Sets boolean if both found. false is returned for empty inputs.

◆ ContainsStorageType() [1/2]

bool mxnet::common::ContainsStorageType ( const std::vector< int > &  ndstypes,
const NDArrayStorageType  stype 

returns true if any storage type ndstype in ndstypes is the same as the target stype. false is returned for empty inputs.

◆ ContainsStorageType() [2/2]

bool mxnet::common::ContainsStorageType ( const std::vector< NDArray > &  ndarrays,
const NDArrayStorageType  stype 

returns true if storage type of any array in ndarrays is the same as the target stype. false is returned for empty inputs.

◆ ConvertToLegacyShape() [1/2]

void mxnet::common::ConvertToLegacyShape ( mxnet::ShapeVector shapes)

◆ ConvertToLegacyShape() [2/2]

void mxnet::common::ConvertToLegacyShape ( mxnet::TShape shape)

This is function is used to convert shapes returned by the infer shape functions/pass to the legacy shape definition.

◆ ConvertToNumpyShape() [1/2]

void mxnet::common::ConvertToNumpyShape ( mxnet::ShapeVector shapes)

◆ ConvertToNumpyShape() [2/2]

void mxnet::common::ConvertToNumpyShape ( mxnet::TShape shape)

If numpy compatibility is turned off (default), the shapes passed in by users follow the legacy shape definition:

  1. 0 ndim means the shape is completely unknown.
  2. 0 dim size means the dim size is unknown. We need to convert those shapes to use the numpy shape definition:
  1. 0 ndim means it's a scalar tensor.
  2. -1 ndim means the shape is unknown.
  3. 0 dim size means no elements in that dimension.
  4. -1 dim size means the dimension's size is unknown. so that operator's infer shape function can work in backend.
    shapeto be converted. Note: It is possible that the shape to be converted is already numpy compatible. For example, when a subgraph operator's infer shape function is called from the infer shape pass of the whole graph, its input/output shapes have been converted to numpy compatible shapes.

◆ CopyGraph()

void mxnet::common::CopyGraph ( nnvm::Graph dst,
const nnvm::Graph src,
bool  copy_variables 

Copy the graph, optionally leaving original Variable nodes.

dstdestination graph
srcsource graph being copied
copy_variablewhether to copy or reuse Variable nodes from the source graph

◆ current_process_id()

size_t mxnet::common::current_process_id ( )

◆ DefaultStorageType()

bool mxnet::common::DefaultStorageType ( const nnvm::NodeAttrs attrs,
const int  dev_mask,
DispatchMode dispatch_mode,
std::vector< int > *  iattr,
std::vector< int > *  oattr 

The default storage type inference function, which assigns all undefined storage types to kDefaultStorage. If all of input and output storage types are kDefaultStorage, DispatchMode::kFCompute is assigned to dispatch_mode. Otherwise, DispatchMode::kFComputeFallback is assigned to dispatch_mode.

◆ dev_type_string()

std::string mxnet::common::dev_type_string ( const int  dev_type)

get string representation of device type

◆ dispatch_mode_string()

std::string mxnet::common::dispatch_mode_string ( const DispatchMode  x)

get string representation of dispatch_mode

◆ div_round()

index_t mxnet::common::div_round ( const index_t  a,
const index_t  b 

◆ EmplaceBackZeros()

void mxnet::common::EmplaceBackZeros ( const NDArrayStorageType  stype,
const mxnet::TShape shape,
const Context ctx,
const int  dtype,
std::vector< NDArray > *  vec 

Helper to add a NDArray of zeros to a std::vector.

◆ ExecuteMonInputCallback()

void mxnet::common::ExecuteMonInputCallback ( const nnvm::IndexedGraph idx,
const std::vector< NDArray * > &  state_arrays,
size_t  nid,
const std::function< void(const char *, const char *, void *)> &  monitor_callback 

◆ ExecuteMonOutputCallback()

void mxnet::common::ExecuteMonOutputCallback ( const nnvm::IndexedGraph idx,
const std::vector< NDArray * > &  state_arrays,
size_t  nid,
const std::function< void(const char *, const char *, void *)> &  monitor_callback 

◆ flag_attr_accumulate()

template<typename ValueType >
ValueType mxnet::common::flag_attr_accumulate ( const nnvm::NodeAttrs attrs,
const std::string &  attr_name 

◆ GetDefaultDtype() [1/2]

int mxnet::common::GetDefaultDtype ( )

◆ GetDefaultDtype() [2/2]

int mxnet::common::GetDefaultDtype ( int  dtype)

◆ GetExecNumMatchColor()

int mxnet::common::GetExecNumMatchColor ( )

◆ GetFCompute()

template<typename FCompType >
FCompType mxnet::common::GetFCompute ( const nnvm::Op op,
const std::string &  name,
const Context ctx 

◆ GetNumThreadsPerGPU()

int mxnet::common::GetNumThreadsPerGPU ( )

◆ ilog2ui()

MSHADOW_XINLINE int mxnet::common::ilog2ui ( unsigned int  a)

◆ ilog2ul()

MSHADOW_XINLINE int mxnet::common::ilog2ul ( size_t  a)

◆ InitZeros()

NDArray mxnet::common::InitZeros ( const NDArrayStorageType  stype,
const mxnet::TShape shape,
const Context ctx,
const int  dtype 

Return an NDArray of all zeros.

◆ is_float()

bool mxnet::common::is_float ( const int  dtype)

◆ is_int()

bool mxnet::common::is_int ( const int  dtype)

◆ is_signed_int()

bool mxnet::common::is_signed_int ( const int  dtype)

◆ is_unsigned_int()

bool mxnet::common::is_unsigned_int ( const int  dtype)

◆ IsPower2()

bool mxnet::common::IsPower2 ( size_t  N)

◆ LogInferStorage()

void mxnet::common::LogInferStorage ( const nnvm::Graph g)

◆ LogMemoryPlan()

void mxnet::common::LogMemoryPlan ( const nnvm::Graph g)

◆ LogOnce()

void mxnet::common::LogOnce ( const std::string &  message)

log message once. Intended for storage fallback warning messages.

◆ LogStorageFallback()

void mxnet::common::LogStorageFallback ( const nnvm::NodeAttrs attrs,
const int  dev_mask,
const std::vector< int > *  in_attrs,
const std::vector< int > *  out_attrs 

log storage fallback event

◆ MakeUnique() [1/3]

template<class T , class... Args>
helper::UniqueIf<T>::SingleObject mxnet::common::MakeUnique ( Args &&...  args)

Constructs an object of type T and wraps it in a std::unique_ptr.

argsList of arguments with which an instance of T will be constructed.
std::unique_ptr of an instance of type T.

Constructs a non-array type T. The arguments args are passed to the constructor of T. The function does not participate in the overload resolution if T is an array type.

◆ MakeUnique() [2/3]

template<class T , class... Args>
helper::UniqueIf<T>::KnownBound mxnet::common::MakeUnique ( Args &&...  args)

Constructs an object of type T and wraps it in a std::unique_ptr.

argsList of arguments with which an instance of T will be constructed.

Constructs an arrays of known bound is disallowed.

argsList of arguments with which an instance of T will be constructed.
std::unique_ptr of an instance of type T.

Constructs a non-array type T. The arguments args are passed to the constructor of T. The function does not participate in the overload resolution if T is an array type.

◆ MakeUnique() [3/3]

template<class T >
helper::UniqueIf<T>::UnknownBound mxnet::common::MakeUnique ( size_t  n)

Constructs an object of type T and wraps it in a std::unique_ptr.

nThe size of the array to construct.
std::unique_ptr of an instance of type T.

Constructs an array of unknown bound T. The function does not participate in the overload resolution unless T is an array of unknown bound.

◆ MaxIntegerValue()

template<typename T >
constexpr size_t mxnet::common::MaxIntegerValue ( )

Return the max integer value representable in the type T without loss of precision.

◆ MaxIntegerValue< mshadow::bfloat::bf16_t >()

constexpr size_t mxnet::common::MaxIntegerValue< mshadow::bfloat::bf16_t > ( )

◆ MaxIntegerValue< mshadow::half::half_t >()

constexpr size_t mxnet::common::MaxIntegerValue< mshadow::half::half_t > ( )

◆ mshadow_type_info()

MShadowTypeInfo mxnet::common::mshadow_type_info ( const int  type_flag)

◆ NodeAttrsGetProfilerScope()

const std::string mxnet::common::NodeAttrsGetProfilerScope ( const nnvm::NodeAttrs attrs)

◆ operator_string()

std::string mxnet::common::operator_string ( const nnvm::NodeAttrs attrs,
const OpContext ctx,
const std::vector< NDArray > &  inputs,
const std::vector< OpReqType > &  req,
const std::vector< NDArray > &  outputs 

get string representation of the operator

◆ operator_stype_string()

std::string mxnet::common::operator_stype_string ( const nnvm::NodeAttrs attrs,
const int  dev_mask,
const std::vector< int > &  in_attrs,
const std::vector< int > &  out_attrs 

get string representation of the operator stypes

◆ ParallelAccumulate()

template<typename T , typename V >
V mxnet::common::ParallelAccumulate ( const T *  a,
const int  n,

◆ ParallelAdd()

template<typename DType >
void mxnet::common::ParallelAdd ( DType *  dst,
const DType *  src,
index_t  size 

\breif parallelize add by OpenMP

◆ ParallelCopy()

template<typename DType >
void mxnet::common::ParallelCopy ( DType *  dst,
const DType *  src,
index_t  size 

parallelize copy by OpenMP.

◆ ParallelSort() [1/2]

template<typename RandomIt >
void mxnet::common::ParallelSort ( RandomIt  first,
RandomIt  last,
size_t  num_threads 

Sort the elements in the range [first, last) into ascending order. The elements are compared using the default < operator. If the length of the range [first, last) is greater than a certain threshold, the range will be recursively divided into two and assign two threads to sort each half range. Ref:

◆ ParallelSort() [2/2]

template<typename RandomIt , typename Compare >
void mxnet::common::ParallelSort ( RandomIt  first,
RandomIt  last,
size_t  num_threads,
Compare  comp 

Sort the elements in the range [first, last) into the ascending order defined by the comparator comp. If the length of the range [first, last) is greater than a certain threshold, the range will be recursively divided into two and assign two threads to sort each half range. Ref:

◆ ParallelSortHelper()

template<typename RandomIt , typename Compare >
void mxnet::common::ParallelSortHelper ( RandomIt  first,
size_t  len,
size_t  grainsize,
const Compare &  comp 

Helper function for ParallelSort. DO NOT call this function directly. Use the interface ParallelSort instead. Ref:

◆ ReshapeOrCreate()

NDArray mxnet::common::ReshapeOrCreate ( const std::string &  name,
const mxnet::TShape dest_arg_shape,
const int  dest_arg_dtype,
const NDArrayStorageType  dest_arg_stype,
const Context ctx,
std::unordered_map< std::string, NDArray > *  shared_buffer,
bool  enable_row_sparse_sharing 

If the requested ndarray's shape size is less than the corresponding shared_data_array's shape size and the storage type is shareable, reuse the memory allocation in shared_buffer; otherwise, create a zero ndarray. Shareable storages include both default storage and row_sparse storage if enable_row_sparse_sharing is True, otherwise default storage only.

◆ RoundToPower2()

size_t mxnet::common::RoundToPower2 ( size_t  N)

◆ SameType()

bool mxnet::common::SameType ( const nnvm::NodeAttrs attrs,
std::vector< int > *  iattr,
std::vector< int > *  oattr 

The default type inference function, which assigns all undefined types to the same type of one of the inputs or outputs.

◆ SetupDefaultBlobsIn()

bool mxnet::common::SetupDefaultBlobsIn ( const std::vector< NDArray > &  src,
const std::vector< NDArray > *  bufs,
std::vector< TBlob > *  blobs,
std::vector< NDArray > *  temp_src,
std::vector< NDArray > *  temp_dst,
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, uint32_t > *  idx_map 

◆ SetupDefaultBlobsInOut()

void mxnet::common::SetupDefaultBlobsInOut ( const std::vector< NDArray > &  ndinputs,
const std::vector< NDArray > &  ndoutputs,
const std::vector< NDArray > *  in_bufs,
const std::vector< NDArray > *  out_bufs,
std::vector< OpReqType > *  req,
std::vector< TBlob > *  input_blobs,
std::vector< TBlob > *  output_blobs,
std::vector< NDArray > *  pre_temp_src,
std::vector< NDArray > *  pre_temp_dst,
std::vector< NDArray > *  post_temp_src,
std::vector< NDArray > *  post_temp_dst,
std::unordered_map< uint32_t, uint32_t > *  in_temp_idx_map,
const std::vector< uint32_t > &  mutate_idx 

◆ SetupDefaultBlobsOut()

bool mxnet::common::SetupDefaultBlobsOut ( const std::vector< NDArray > &  src,
const std::vector< NDArray > *  bufs,
std::vector< OpReqType > *  req,
std::vector< TBlob > *  blobs,
std::vector< NDArray > *  temp_src,
std::vector< NDArray > *  temp_dst 

◆ SparseRetainOpForwardRspWrapper()

template<typename xpu >
void mxnet::common::SparseRetainOpForwardRspWrapper ( mshadow::Stream< xpu > *  s,
const NDArray input_nd,
const TBlob idx_data,
const OpReqType  req,
NDArray output_nd 

Pick rows specified by user input index array from a row sparse ndarray and save them in the output sparse ndarray.

◆ storage_str()

std::string mxnet::common::storage_str ( int  storage_id)

◆ stype_string()

std::string mxnet::common::stype_string ( const int  x)

get string representation of storage_type

◆ type_promotion()

int mxnet::common::type_promotion ( const int  type1,
const int  type2 