Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NdmlcNamespace for dmlc
 NmshadowOverloaded + operator between half_t and bf16_t
 NmxnetNamespace of mxnet
 CDLContextA Device context for Tensor and operator
 CDLDataTypeThe data type the tensor can hold
 CDLManagedTensorC Tensor object, manage memory of DLTensor. This data structure is intended to facilitate the borrowing of DLTensor by another framework. It is not meant to transfer the tensor. When the borrowing framework doesn't need the tensor, it should call the deleter to notify the host that the resource is no longer needed
 CDLTensorPlain C Tensor object, does not manage memory
 Cdnnl_batch_normalization_desc_tA descriptor of a Batch Normalization operation
 Cdnnl_binary_desc_tA descriptor of a binary operation
 Cdnnl_convolution_desc_tA descriptor of a convolution operation
 Cdnnl_eltwise_desc_tA descriptor of a element-wise operation
 Cdnnl_engineAn opaque structure to describe an engine
 Cdnnl_inner_product_desc_tA descriptor of an inner product operation
 Cdnnl_layer_normalization_desc_tA descriptor of a Layer Normalization operation
 Cdnnl_lrn_desc_tA descriptor of a Local Response Normalization (LRN) operation
 Cdnnl_memory_extra_desc_tDescription of extra information stored in memory
 Cdnnl_pooling_desc_tA descriptor of a pooling operation
 Cdnnl_pooling_v2_desc_tA descriptor of a pooling operation
 Cdnnl_post_opsAn opaque structure for a chain of post operations
 Cdnnl_primitive_attrAn opaque structure for primitive descriptor attributes
 Cdnnl_primitive_descAn opaque structure to describe a primitive descriptor
 Cdnnl_primitive_desc_iteratorAn opaque structure to describe a primitive descriptor iterator
 Cdnnl_reduction_desc_tA descriptor of reduction operation
 Cdnnl_resampling_desc_tA descriptor of resampling operation
 Cdnnl_rnn_desc_tA descriptor for an RNN operation
 Cdnnl_rnn_packed_desc_tDescription of tensor of packed weights for rnn
 Cdnnl_shuffle_desc_tA descriptor of a shuffle operation
 Cdnnl_softmax_desc_tA descriptor of a Softmax operation
 Cdnnl_wino_desc_tDescription of tensor of weights for winograd 2x3 convolution
 CMXNetByteArrayByte array type used to pass in byte array When kBytes is used as data type
 CMXNetValueUnion type of values being passed through API and function calls