

package javaapi

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BatchNormParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for BatchNorm

  2. class BatchNorm_v1Param extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for BatchNorm_v1

  3. class CTCLossParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for CTCLoss

  4. class Context extends AnyRef

    Constructing a context which is used to specify the device and device type that will be utilized by the engine.

  5. class ConvolutionParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for Convolution

  6. class Convolution_v1Param extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for Convolution_v1

  7. class CorrelationParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for Correlation

  8. class DataDesc extends AnyRef

  9. class DeconvolutionParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for Deconvolution

  10. class DropoutParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for Dropout

  11. class EmbeddingParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for Embedding

  12. class FullyConnectedParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for FullyConnected

  13. class GroupNormParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for GroupNorm

  14. class IdentityAttachKLSparseRegParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for IdentityAttachKLSparseReg

  15. class L2NormalizationParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for L2Normalization

  16. class LRNParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for LRN

  17. class LayerNormParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for LayerNorm

  18. class LeakyReLUParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for LeakyReLU

  19. class MakeLossParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for MakeLoss

  20. class NDArray extends AnyRef

    NDArray object in mxnet.

    NDArray object in mxnet. NDArray is basic ndarray/Tensor like data structure in mxnet.
    NOTE: NDArray is stored in native memory. Use NDArray in a try-with-resources() construct or a [[org.apache.mxnet.ResourceScope]] in a try-with-resource to have them automatically disposed. You can explicitly control the lifetime of NDArray by calling dispose manually. Failure to do this will result in leaking native memory.

  21. abstract class NDArrayBase extends AnyRef

  22. class PoolingParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for Pooling

  23. class Pooling_v1Param extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for Pooling_v1

  24. class RNNParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for RNN

  25. class SVMOutputParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for SVMOutput

  26. class SequenceLastParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for SequenceLast

  27. class SequenceMaskParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for SequenceMask

  28. class SequenceReverseParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for SequenceReverse

  29. class Shape extends AnyRef

    Shape of NDArray or other data

  30. class SliceChannelParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for SliceChannel

  31. class SoftmaxOutputParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for SoftmaxOutput

  32. class SpatialTransformerParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for SpatialTransformer

  33. class SwapAxisParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for SwapAxis

  34. class UpSamplingParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for UpSampling

  35. class adam_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for adam_update

  36. class argmaxParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for argmax

  37. class argminParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for argmin

  38. class argsortParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for argsort

  39. class batch_dotParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for batch_dot

  40. class broadcast_axesParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for broadcast_axes

  41. class broadcast_axisParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for broadcast_axis

  42. class broadcast_likeParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for broadcast_like

  43. class choose_element_0indexParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for choose_element_0index

  44. class ctc_lossParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for ctc_loss

  45. class cumsumParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for cumsum

  46. class diagParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for diag

  47. class dotParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for dot

  48. class ftml_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for ftml_update

  49. class ftrl_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for ftrl_update

  50. class hard_sigmoidParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for hard_sigmoid

  51. class lamb_update_phase1Param extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for lamb_update_phase1

  52. class lamb_update_phase2Param extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for lamb_update_phase2

  53. class linalg_extracttrianParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for linalg_extracttrian

  54. class linalg_gemm2Param extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for linalg_gemm2

  55. class linalg_gemmParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for linalg_gemm

  56. class linalg_maketrianParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for linalg_maketrian

  57. class linalg_syrkParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for linalg_syrk

  58. class linalg_trmmParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for linalg_trmm

  59. class linalg_trsmParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for linalg_trsm

  60. class log_softmaxParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for log_softmax

  61. class maxParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for max

  62. class max_axisParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for max_axis

  63. class meanParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for mean

  64. class minParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for min

  65. class min_axisParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for min_axis

  66. class momentsParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for moments

  67. class mp_lamb_update_phase1Param extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for mp_lamb_update_phase1

  68. class mp_lamb_update_phase2Param extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for mp_lamb_update_phase2

  69. class mp_nag_mom_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for mp_nag_mom_update

  70. class mp_sgd_mom_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for mp_sgd_mom_update

  71. class mp_sgd_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for mp_sgd_update

  72. class multi_all_finiteParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for multi_all_finite

  73. class multi_mp_sgd_mom_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for multi_mp_sgd_mom_update

  74. class multi_mp_sgd_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for multi_mp_sgd_update

  75. class multi_sgd_mom_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for multi_sgd_mom_update

  76. class multi_sgd_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for multi_sgd_update

  77. class nag_mom_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for nag_mom_update

  78. class nanprodParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for nanprod

  79. class nansumParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for nansum

  80. class normParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for norm

  81. class normalParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for normal

  82. class one_hotParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for one_hot

  83. class pickParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for pick

  84. class preloaded_multi_mp_sgd_mom_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for preloaded_multi_mp_sgd_mom_update

  85. class preloaded_multi_mp_sgd_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for preloaded_multi_mp_sgd_update

  86. class preloaded_multi_sgd_mom_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for preloaded_multi_sgd_mom_update

  87. class preloaded_multi_sgd_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for preloaded_multi_sgd_update

  88. class prodParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for prod

  89. class random_exponentialParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for random_exponential

  90. class random_gammaParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for random_gamma

  91. class random_generalized_negative_binomialParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for random_generalized_negative_binomial

  92. class random_negative_binomialParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for random_negative_binomial

  93. class random_normalParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for random_normal

  94. class random_poissonParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for random_poisson

  95. class random_randintParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for random_randint

  96. class random_uniformParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for random_uniform

  97. class reshapeParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for reshape

  98. class reshape_likeParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for reshape_like

  99. class rmsprop_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for rmsprop_update

  100. class rmspropalex_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for rmspropalex_update

  101. class sample_exponentialParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sample_exponential

  102. class sample_gammaParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sample_gamma

  103. class sample_generalized_negative_binomialParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sample_generalized_negative_binomial

  104. class sample_multinomialParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sample_multinomial

  105. class sample_negative_binomialParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sample_negative_binomial

  106. class sample_normalParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sample_normal

  107. class sample_poissonParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sample_poisson

  108. class sample_uniformParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sample_uniform

  109. class sgd_mom_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sgd_mom_update

  110. class sgd_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sgd_update

  111. class signsgd_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for signsgd_update

  112. class signum_updateParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for signum_update

  113. class softmaxParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for softmax

  114. class softminParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for softmin

  115. class sortParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sort

  116. class splitParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for split

  117. class sumParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sum

  118. class sum_axisParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for sum_axis

  119. class swapaxesParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for swapaxes

  120. class takeParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for take

  121. class topkParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for topk

  122. class uniformParam extends AnyRef

    This Param Object is specifically used for uniform

Value Members

  1. object Context

  2. object DType extends Enumeration

  3. object DataDesc

  4. object Image

  5. object Layout

    Layout definition of DataDesc N Batch size C channels H Height W Weight T sequence length undefined default value of Layout

  6. object NDArray extends NDArrayBase

    @AddJNDArrayAPIs( false )
  7. object Shape
