nnvm Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for nnvm:


directory  compiler
directory  top


file  base.h [code]
 Configuration of nnvm as well as basic data structure.
file  c_api.h [code]
 C API of NNVM symbolic construction and pass. Enables construction and transformation of Graph in any other host languages.
file  graph.h [code]
 Configuation of nnvm as well as basic data structure.
file  graph_attr_types.h [code]
 Data structures that can appear in graph attributes.
file  layout.h [code]
 Layout expression. The layout is composed of upper cases, lower cases and numbers, where upper case indicates a (super-)dimension and the corresponding lower case with factor size indicates the split (sub-)dimension. For example, NCHW16c can describe a 5-D tensor of [batch_size, channel, height, width, channel_block]. Here sub-dimension channel_block=16 is the split of super-dimension C (channel).
file  node.h [code]
 Graph node data structure.
file  op.h [code]
 Operator information structor.
file  op_attr_types.h [code]
 Data structures that can appear in operator attributes.
file  pass.h [code]
 Pass that can be applied to a graph.
file  pass_functions.h [code]
 Pass functions that simply redirect the calls to ApplyPass.
file  symbolic.h [code]
 Symbolic graph construction API.
file  tuple.h [code]
 Data structure Tuple and TShape to store dynamic sized shapes.