Source code for mxnet.onnx.mx2onnx._export_model

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# coding: utf-8
#pylint: disable-msg=too-many-arguments

"""Exports an MXNet model to the ONNX model format"""
import logging
import numpy as np

from mxnet.base import string_types
from mxnet import symbol
from ._export_onnx import MXNetGraph
from ._export_helper import load_module

def get_operator_support(opset_version=None):
    """Return a list of MXNet operators supported by the current/specified opset
        from onnx.defs import onnx_opset_version
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("Onnx and protobuf need to be installed. "
                          + "Instructions to install -")
    if opset_version is None:
        opset_version = onnx_opset_version()
    all_versions = range(opset_version, 11, -1)
    ops = set()
    for ver in all_versions:
        if ver in MXNetGraph.registry_:
    ops = list(ops)
    return ops

def export_model(sym, params, in_shapes=None, in_types=np.float32,
                 onnx_file_path='model.onnx', verbose=False, dynamic=False,
                 dynamic_input_shapes=None, run_shape_inference=False, input_type=None,
                 input_shape=None, large_model=False):
    """Exports the MXNet model file, passed as a parameter, into ONNX model.
    Accepts both symbol,parameter objects as well as json and params filepaths as input.
    Operator support and coverage -

    sym : str or symbol object
        Path to the json file or Symbol object
    params : str or dict or list of dict
        str - Path to the params file
        dict - params dictionary (Including both arg_params and aux_params)
        list - list of length 2 that contains arg_params and aux_params
    in_shapes : List of tuple
        Input shape of the model e.g [(1,3,224,224)]
    in_types : data type or list of data types
        Input data type e.g. np.float32, or [np.float32, np.int32]
    onnx_file_path : str
        Path where to save the generated onnx file
    verbose : Boolean
        If True will print logs of the model conversion
    dynamic: Boolean
        If True will allow for dynamic input shapes to the model
    dynamic_input_shapes: list of tuple
        Specifies the dynamic input_shapes. If None then all dimensions are set to None
    run_shape_inference : Boolean
        If True will run shape inference on the model
    input_type : data type or list of data types
        This is the old name of in_types. We keep this parameter name for backward compatibility
    input_shape : List of tuple
        This is the old name of in_shapes. We keep this parameter name for backward compatibility
    large_model : Boolean
        Whether to export a model that is larger than 2 GB. If true will save param tensors in separate
        files along with .onnx model file. This feature is supported since onnx 1.8.0

    onnx_file_path : str
        Onnx file path

    This method is available when you ``import mxnet.onnx``


        import onnx
        from onnx import helper, mapping, shape_inference
        from onnx.defs import onnx_opset_version
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("Onnx and protobuf need to be installed. "
                          + "Instructions to install -")

    if input_type is not None:
        in_types = input_type

    if input_shape is not None:
        in_shapes = input_shape

    converter = MXNetGraph()
    opset_version = onnx_opset_version()

    if not isinstance(in_types, list):
        in_types = [in_types for _ in range(len(in_shapes))]
    in_types_t = [mapping.NP_TYPE_TO_TENSOR_TYPE[np.dtype(i_t)] for i_t in in_types]
    assert len(in_types) == len(in_shapes), "The lengths of in_types and in_shapes must equal"
    # if input parameters are strings(file paths), load files and create symbol parameter objects
    if isinstance(sym, string_types) and isinstance(params, string_types):"Converting json and weight file to sym and params")
        sym_obj, params_obj = load_module(sym, params)
        onnx_graph = converter.create_onnx_graph_proto(sym_obj, params_obj, in_shapes,
                                                       verbose=verbose, opset_version=opset_version,
                                                       dynamic=dynamic, dynamic_input_shapes=dynamic_input_shapes)
    elif isinstance(sym, symbol.Symbol) and isinstance(params, dict):
        onnx_graph = converter.create_onnx_graph_proto(sym, params, in_shapes,
                                                       verbose=verbose, opset_version=opset_version,
                                                       dynamic=dynamic, dynamic_input_shapes=dynamic_input_shapes)
    elif isinstance(sym, symbol.Symbol) and isinstance(params, list) and len(params) == 2:
        # when params contains arg_params and aux_params
        p = {}
        onnx_graph = converter.create_onnx_graph_proto(sym, p, in_shapes,
                                                       verbose=verbose, opset_version=opset_version,
                                                       dynamic=dynamic, dynamic_input_shapes=dynamic_input_shapes)
        raise ValueError("Input sym and params should either be files or objects")

    # Create the model (ModelProto)
    onnx_model = helper.make_model(onnx_graph)

    # Run shape inference on the model. Due to ONNX bug/incompatibility this may or may not crash
    if run_shape_inference:
            onnx_model = shape_inference.infer_shapes(onnx_model)
        except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
  "Shape inference failed, original export is kept.")

    if large_model:
        from onnx.external_data_helper import convert_model_to_external_data
        convert_model_to_external_data(onnx_model, all_tensors_to_one_file=False, location=onnx_file_path+'.data')

    onnx.save_model(onnx_model, onnx_file_path)
    return onnx_file_path