
Apache MXNet provides memory profiler which is a way to access what is happening under the hood during runtime. The common scenario is you want to use the profiler for your hybridized model and visualize the outputs via chrome://tracing. Here are the steps you need to do:

  1. Configure the profiler
  2. set_state('run') before the model is defined
  3. Add mx.nd.waitall() to enforce synchronization after you have done with some computation (maybe as part of training)
  4. Then add set_state('stop')
  5. Finally dump the profiling results

Here is a simple example

import mxnet as mx
from mxnet.gluon import nn
from mxnet import profiler

def enable_profiler(profile_filename, run=True, continuous_dump=False, aggregate_stats=False):
    if run:

enable_profiler(profile_filename='test_profiler.json', run=True, continuous_dump=True)

model = nn.HybridSequential(prefix='net_')
with model.name_scope():
    model.add(nn.Dense(128, activation='tanh'))
    model.add(nn.Dense(64, activation='tanh'),
              nn.Dense(32, in_units=64))

inputs = mx.sym.var('data')

with mx.autograd.record():
    out = model(mx.nd.zeros((16, 10), device=mx.cpu()))

And in chrome://tracing use the load and select test_profiler.json, then you will see something like this dev_guide_profilling_1 To understand what is going on, we need to dive deep into the MXNet runtime.

Dive deep into MXNet runtime with the profiler

Let’s start with a simple example and explain as we go on. The following code creates a 3x3 tensor, computes the diagonal and then sum’s along the diagonal (to compute the “trace”). Using the MXNet profiler, we capture internal MXNet behavior and dump it to a string and print it (dumps()) and also dump it to a file (dump()). Then we can import that file in chrome://tracing and view it graphically.

import mxnet as mx
import numpy as np
from mxnet import profiler
#configure the profiler
profiler.set_config(profile_all=True, aggregate_stats=True, filename='trace_profile.json')
#start the profiler collecting data
#1. create our data
data = np.linspace(1,9,9).reshape((3,3))
#2. create an MXNet ndarray
a = mx.nd.array(data)
#3. compute on our data and produce results
b = mx.nd.diag(a)
c = mx.nd.sum(b,-1)
#4. wait for computation to finish
#stop the profiler
#dump the profiling data as a string
#dump the profiling data as a json file that can be viewed graphically

When running this code, the dumps function dumps the profiling data to a string and returns it (which we promptly print). This statistical info is shown below.

Profile Statistics:
    Note the difference in units for different entries.
Device Storage
Name                          Total Count    Min Use  (kB)    Max Use  (kB)    Avg Use  (kB)
----                          -----------    -------------    -------------    -------------
Memory: cpu/0                           3          96.0600          96.0760           0.0080

Name                          Total Count        Time (ms)    Min Time (ms)    Max Time (ms)    Avg Time (ms)
----                          -----------        ---------    -------------    -------------    -------------
MXImperativeInvoke                      2           0.3360           0.0990           0.2370           0.1680
MXNet C API Calls                      17           0.2320           0.2160           0.2320           0.0080
MXNDArraySyncCopyFromCPU                1           0.1750           0.1750           0.1750           0.1750
MXNDArrayCreate                         1           0.1050           0.1050           0.1050           0.1050
MXNDArrayGetShape                      11           0.0210           0.0000           0.0160           0.0019
MXNDArrayWaitAll                        1           0.0200           0.0200           0.0200           0.0200
MXNDArrayGetDType                       1           0.0010           0.0010           0.0010           0.0010
MXNet C API Concurrency                34           0.0000           0.0000           0.0010           0.0000

Name                          Total Count        Time (ms)    Min Time (ms)    Max Time (ms)    Avg Time (ms)
----                          -----------        ---------    -------------    -------------    -------------
sum                                     1           0.0520           0.0520           0.0520           0.0520
diag                                    1           0.0410           0.0410           0.0410           0.0410
WaitForVar                              1           0.0220           0.0220           0.0220           0.0220

The dump function writes out the same data in a format that can be opened in chrome://tracing and displayed visually. This can be seen in the diagram below.

dev_guide_profilling_2.png The profiling data has captured info about interesting functions that have executed while your program was running. Here are some explanations about what each one does.

The functions in the C_API are:

Function Name Description
MXImperativeInvoke invokes an operator to perform the computation
MXNDArrayCreate creates an ndarray
MXNDArrayGetDType returns the data type of the ndarray
MXNDArrayGetShape returns the shape of the ndarray (as a tuple where each element is the size of a dimension)
MXNDArraySyncCopyFromCPU called when data is initially residing outside of an MXNet data structure (ie. numpy.ndarry rather than mxnet.numpy.ndarray). Data is copied into the MXNet data structure
MXNDArrayWaitAll wait for all asynchronous operations to finish in MXNet. This function is only used in benchmarking to wait for work to happen. In a real program, there is no waiting and data dependencies are evaluated and computation executed as needed in a As Late As Possible (ALAP) way

The function in the Engine API are:

Function Name Description
WaitForVar Takes a variable reference as input and waits until that variable has been computed before returning

Other API functions:

Function Name Description
ResourceParallelRandomSetSeed sets the random number generator seed

Operators we intended to call in the code:

Operator Name Description
sum sum a tensor along a particular axis
diag compute the diagonal of the tensor

Closer look

From the code, we can identify the major events in our test application

  1. Initialize our input data
  2. Creating a new MXNet ndarray using our existing data values
  3. Compute on our data
    1. produce the diagonal of the input data
    2. sum along the diagonal to compute the “trace” of the matrix
  4. Wait for computation to finish (only needed when profiling)

In the following list, #1 uses regular numpy functions to initialize data. MXNet is not involved in this process. In #2, we create an MXNet ndarray and quite a few things happen under the hood. The screenshot below shows a zoomed in portion of the timeline.

dev_guide_profilling_3.png Here, the four red arrows show the important events in this sequence.

  1. First, the MXNDArrayCreate is called to physically allocate space to store the data and other necessary attributes in the ndarray class.
  2. Then some support functions are called (MXNDArrayGetShape, MXNDArrayGetDType) while initialing the data structure.
  3. Finally the data is copied from the non-MXNet ndarray into the newly prepared MXNet ndarray by the MXNDArraySyncCopyFromCPU function.

Next, #3 (in our code example) begins the computing process to produce our output data. The screenshot below shows this behavior.

dev_guide_profilling_4.png Here you can see that the following sequence of events happen:

  1. MXImperativeInvoke is called the first time to launch the diagonal operator from #3 (in our code example).
  2. Soon after that the actual diag operator begins executing in another thread.
  3. While that is happening, our main thread moves on and calls MXImperativeInvoke again to launch the sum operator. Just like before, this returns without actually executing the operator and continues.
  4. Lastly, the MXNDArrayWaitAll is called as the main thread has progressed to #4 in our app. It will wait here while all the computation finishes.

Next lets look at a view of the part of the timeline zoomed to the actual operator execution.

dev_guide_profilling_5.png Here there are 3 main events happening:

  1. The diag operator is executing first.
  2. Then the ResourceParallelRandomSetSeed runs.
  3. And finally the sum operator executes (for a very short time as shown by the big red arrow).

The diag operator running makes sense (although seems to take a little longer than we’d like). At the end, the sum operator runs (very quickly!). But the weird part in the middle is ResourceParallelRandomSetSeed running. This is part of the MXNet resource manager. The resource manager handles temporary space and random number generators needed by the operators. The sum operator requests temporary space in order to compute the sum, and therefore launches the resource manager (for the first time) here. As part of its startup sequence, the random number generator is initialized by setting the seed. So this is some initialization overhead. But let’s try and run the app again, running the compute twice, and look at the 2nd run to try and remove this initialization from our profiling.

Here is the modified code:

import mxnet as mx
import numpy as np
from mxnet import profiler
profiler.set_config(profile_all=True, aggregate_stats=True, filename='trace_profile.json')
# first run
sdata = np.linspace(1,9,9).reshape((3,3))
sa = mx.nd.array(sdata)
sb = mx.nd.diag(sa)
sc = mx.nd.sum(sb,-1)
# second run
data = np.linspace(1,9,9).reshape((3,3))
a = mx.nd.array(data)
b = mx.nd.diag(a)
c = mx.nd.sum(b,-1)

Notice that we renamed the variables and made another copy after the waital call. This is so that MXNet doesn’t have to worry about re-using variables, and to segment the 2nd half after the first time initialization.

Here is an overview of the new timeline:

dev_guide_profilling_6.png The first red box is the first run, and the 2nd smaller one is the 2nd run. First off, we can see how much smaller the 2nd one is now without any of the initialization routines. Here is a zoomed in view of just the 2nd run.

dev_guide_profilling_7.png We still have the same sequence of events at the beginning to initialize the MXNet ndarray (MXNDArrayCreate, MXNDArrayGetShape, MXNDArrayGetDType, MXNDArraySyncCopyFromCPU). Then the diag operator runs, followed by the sum operator, and finally the waitall. When you look at this, be careful about the assumptions that you make. In this version of the timeline, it appears that the operator executes after the MXImperativeInvoke runs, and seems to imply an inherent ordering. But realize that there is no dependency between the diag operator finishing and the next MXImperativeInvoke launching the sum operator. In this case, it just-so-happens that the diag operator finishes so quickly that it appears that way. But in reality the main thread is launching the operators and not waiting for them to finish. Lastly, keep in mind that in this case by the time we hit the MXNDArrayWaitAll everything is already done and we return immediately, but in other circumstances it may sit here waiting for everything to finish (like we saw earlier in the first run).